5 Minute Read or LISTEN below
“Good afternoon Princess Kaydee,” Steven teased tugging on her tiara.
“Hmph!” Kaydee replied, sticking her tongue out at her big brother. “I’m going to go play with someone who appreciates my leadership.”
Kaydee flounced out to the yard in full princess attire. “I will establish my court and rule over all.” She announced but Steven was already back to his solo basketball game.
“It’s hard to rule a land with no subjects.” Kaydee said to her wand.
“Quuuack, Quack, Quuuackk…”
Kaydee giggled at the group of ducks as they strutted by her. One even nibbled the hem of her gown. “Greetings loyal subjects! I am Princess Kaydee, your leader.”
The ducks followed her toward the coop and Kaydee realized she could hold court using her chickens.
She knighted the Old English Bantams for their active strutting.
She called the D’uccle Bantam her royal jester for his multicolored feathers.
The Indian Runner Ducks became her nobles because of their upright posture. She also imagined them gossiping about her beautiful gown with all their quacking.
But then Kaydee saw the horrible dragon!
“Don’t fear loyal subjects! Princess Kaydee will save you from the dreaded Turkey Dragon.” She gave her orders. “Knights assemble. Nobles protect the peasants! Jester start joking about the situation!”
The dragon turkey roared, “Gobbbllee, gobble, g-o-b-b-l-e!”
“He wants to gobble you all up. Do what I say!”
Her knights did not assemble.
The nobles turned tail and took off toward the pond.
At least, the jester continued his silly clucking.
The whole charade felt like anarchy. No one would listen.
“Everything alright sis?” Steven asked.
“No! It’s a total mess. The turkey dragon is trying to gobble us all up.”
Steven smiled. “I’ll take on this Turkey Dragon.” Steven gobbled back at the turkey encouraging him to move back toward the barn with large hand movements.
Chaos reigned for a full four minutes. Until the Turkey Dragon took the hint and tailgated it outta town and back to the barn.
“We did it!” Kaydee and Steven said together.
“That was a fun game of charades. Let’s do it again.”
Except this time let’s be lifeguards!” Steven said.
“Yeah the ducks are drowning!” Princess Kaydee giggled. “I think I may need an outfit change.”
What do you imagine your chickens or other animals to be? Can you catch your animals being unique characters? What jobs would you give them based on their behaviors?
Charades is a word guessing game by acting out your word without using words. Here is a list of words to start with. Cut these squares into strips and put them in a bowl. Choose a word from the bowl and act out your word with hand motions, props, and acting.
Click the button to download and print a fun game with your family!
Author Information: Hannah Deurloo is a children’s book writer and can be found on Twitter @HSDeurloo or online at QuestType.com.