- Wholesale Order Form
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- Chick Care Guide
- Downloadable Resources
- Bird Flu Safety
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2020 Breed Poster: Download PDF
Breed Tank Signs: Download PDF
Key Emergency Contacts
At first sign of suspicion of infection, please immediately call one or all of the following:
- Dr. Nora Wineland, MDARD: C (517) 281-2415
- Dr. Nancy Barr, MDARD: C (517) 388-1347
- Dr. Kimberly Dodd, MSU VDL: C (631) 827-6633
- Dr. Mick Fulton, MSU VDL: C (517) 353-3701
In addition, please print the full Emergency Poultry Contacts document for your farm.
Download the Emergency Contact Form.
Sampling Chain of Events
Please print and review both Sampling Guidance documents at buttons below
Sampling Guidance documents for:
1. Initial suspicion of sick and dead birds
2. If you are in a control zone and will require permitted movement
MSU VDL is also working to pre-position sampling kits should control zones be needed.
Questions on sampling should be directed to:
- Dr. Kimberly Dodd, MSU VDL: C (631) 827-6633
- Dr. Mick Fulton, MSU VDL: C (517) 353-3701
Download the Sampling Sick or Dead Birds Guidance PDF.
Download the Permitted Movement Sampling Guidance PDF.
Steps Your Farm Can Take to be Prepared
Know your premise ID
Know your geo-coordinates
- Officials will need the geo coordinates of your front gate/drive entrance and each barn coordinate. This may become important when officials are determining Control and Surveillance Zones.
Inventory the backyard flocks around your farm
- Prepare a list of addresses or drop pins on a Google map of the residences in the immediate vicinity to your farm. Two mile radius may not be possible, but try for minimum 1 mile radius.
Prepare contact list for carbon sources
- We expect carbon sources to be limited. Plan ahead by having options.
Be mindful of travel routes and neighboring farms
Have porta-jon service on contact list
- Porta-jons and hand washing stations will be required on site for federal officials in the event of depopulation
Notify neighboring backyard flocks of HPAI in MI and steps to keep all poultry safe
- Consider distributing the Backyard HPAI Letter (written from your farm to neighbors) or the Backyard HPAI Flyer to your neighboring small flock owners.
Download the Backyard HPAI Letter.
Download the Backyard HPAI Flyer.
EMRS Gateway Preparation
The Emergency Management Response System 2.0 (EMRS2) is a web-based application used for the permitted movement of non-infected flocks in a control zone.
PLEASE send the following information to Dr. Cherie Collins, USDA Emergency Coordinator: to verify you are correctly registered in EMRS.
- PIN (Premise Identification Number)
- your 911 address
- the geo-coordinates of your front gate
- the geo-coordinate of your barns IF they are 1/4 mile or more from the front gate
- Company affiliation
- Please send in spreadsheet format
Instructions on how to use the system will be forthcoming.
In Preparation for Indemnity
Is your NPIP Biosecurity Plan audit current?
- NPIP Biosecurity Plan audits are a condition for indemnity. All audits must be completed bi-annually. Contact MAPI with questions.
Ensure Daily Mortality Records are up-to-date
Prepare Indemnity Request Documents
- Indemnity request documents may be pre-filled to the extent possible, this may help expediate on your end. Please complete #1 and #2. If grower and owner are separate, all three forms are required.
- Appraisal and Indemnity Request for HPAI (Required for all farms)
- Appraisal and Indemnity Request for Owners (Required for all farms)
- Appraisal and Indemnity Request for Contract Growers (if owner and grower are separate, all 3 forms required)
Register with DUNS and SAMS
- Both DUNS and SAM will be the portals by which a producer will receive indemnity funds. Registration is not a speedy process, it would benefit you to spend the time now to ensure you are registered properly.
- SAM Registration (must be updated annually)
- DUNS Registration (US Federal Govt will no longer require a DUNS after April 4, 2022)
Required Documents for DUNS
Important Links
Sign up for MDARD Avian Influenza notices.
See Animal Health section. Click on Avian Influenza.
Monitor HPAI confirmations from USDA.
All cases in commercial and non-commercial backyard flocks will be listed at this site. The first positive in a state will be announced through press release, all other cases will be added to this site, with no announcement.
Review USDA HPAI documents.
Plethora of information here.
Secure Poultry Supply Plan
Be familiar with the Secure Poultry Supply Plan in the event your farm is in a control zone and would require permitted movement.
Wildlife Management
For sick or dead wildlife observed on or near your farm please contact:
Tony Duffiney, State Director, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services: C (517) 719-9165
Biosecurity Factsheets From Wildlife Services:
Preventing Access to Barns and other Facilities
Media Relations Reminders
If a reporter calls you directly, take down their name, number and what information they are requesting.
- Do not give any information to the media over the phone or via email about your farm or another farm in a HPAI scenario
- Let them know you’re passing their information along to the proper contact, who will respond to them.
- Reporters are not our friends. They are doing a job.
Pass along all media inquires to Allison Brink or Burch Partners, so we can ensure we are following correct guidelines and using the same language for each reporter
We are here to help! Please reach out immediately if you get a reporter email or phone call
Allison Brink:, (616) 293-6769
Burch Partners contact information:
Brian Burch:, (616) 828-9813
Erin Cataldo:, (810) 423-0017

2020 Breed Poster
Order our updated breed poster for FREE as a Wholesale Customer. Refer to your Wholesale packet for the PROMO code and enter it at checkout.